Cherokee County History & Arts Museum
Gaffney, SC 29340
Located on the 1812 mustering ground of the South Carolina Militia and the site of the historic Central School, the Cherokee County History & Arts Museum is also home to the offices of its governing body, the Cherokee Historical & Preservation Society, Inc.
Phase One of the facility opened in May 2008. The Museum houses nearly 8,000 sq. ft. of permanent exhibits ranging in topic from Native Americans and the American Revolution to Geology and Moonshiners. Since opening the Museum has hosted special exhibits such as the Corridor of Shame, Artful Bra Project, and a presentation of pieces by internationally-known artist Johnnie Lee Gray, immediately following their display at the 2009 Presidential Inauguration.
Museum Admission:
$5 adults, $3 under 12
Rates may vary during special events/fundraisers.
Certain membership levels provide free admission.
Normal Operating Hours:
Wednesday-Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Saturday times vary by event/season...call ahead.
Directions: From Exit 92 on I-85 go southeast on Hwy 11 (Floyd Baker Boulevard) to downtown Gaffney (approx. 2 miles). Turn right onto Limestone Street at City Hall and First Baptist Church. Follow Limestone Street approx. .4 miles. Turn left onto College Drive. Follow College Drive two blocks to Museum on left.
To make it easy...follow the blue City of Gaffney directional signs towards Limestone College. Museum is on the left at the corner of College Drive and South Johnson Street, before reaching the College.