Rock Quarry Falls

Rock Quarry Falls

200 McDaniel Ave.
Greenville, SC 29601
This falls is in a garden and is actually the site of a pre-Civil War granite quarry. You can still see the drill marks on the rocks from when it was a quarry. The site has been adopted by the Greenville Garden Club and is a popular location for outdoor weddings and photography. Spring flowering plants, including dogwood trees and native azaleas, are a highlight of this garden.

Rock Quarry Falls is in Cleveland Park and is easily accessed. The stream drops 10 feet into a pool at the base. The stream running through the quarry is from a spring on Spring Street that provided water for many of the city's early settlers.

GPS Waypoints Lat: 34.8423 Lon: -82.3932


1. Follow I-85 to exit 42. Turn onto I-385/US 29 North. US 29 becomes Mills Avenue.

2. Continue on and turn RIGHT onto Augusta Street.

3. Go 0.6 miles to McDaniel Avenue and turn LEFT.

4. Follow for 1.1 miles to Ridgeland Drive and turn LEFT.

5. Immediately turn RIGHT onto Sherwood Street.

6. Go 100 feet to a small pull off and PARK.

7. Follow the stone steps to the quarry and falls.


As we just provide information, if you have a question regarding a particular trail, it is best to contact the source listed. We encourage good stewardship of our natural resources.  Be prepared for your outing and Leave No Trace of your visit. For more hiking and waterfall trips, check out the publications of Milestone Press.
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