Lake Cunningham is CPW's smaller, but equally beautiful, lake. The impoundment is approximately 200 acres, and it also serves as part of CPW's drinking water resources. In fact, CPW's drinking water treatment plant sits directly at Lake Cunningham. Much like Robinson, CPW works hard to preserve the pristine nature of Lake Cunningham. The lake also serves as a great spot for fishing and boating. In the Spring of 2016, CPW put in new decking boards on the fishing pier at Lake Cunningham.
Regulations (Source: Greer Commission of Public Works )
A boating permit is required and can be purchased at the Lake Wardens Office located at nearby Lake Robninson.
No outboard motors greater than 10 HP allowed
No fishing allowed around the dam area. No trespassing signs posted, and the law is strictly enforcend.
Creel limits: 10 largemouth bass, 30 non game fish per day per person, no limit on non game fish.
Lake Wardens Office (located at Lake Robinson)
2544 Mays Bridge Rd.
Greer, SC 29651
Phone: 864-895-3645