TRAVELERS REST, S.C. — Jason and Rebecca Tubb weren’t just looking for a new business when they went in search of a campground to purchase in 2014. They wanted a family business.
In the five years since the Tubbs and their five kids moved in as owners of the Travelers Rest/North Greenville KOA, they completely refurbished the park and dialed up their guest service. The Tubbs achieved the top customer service scores for the entire 515-park KOA system in North America for each of the five years they’ve owned the campground.
The Tubbs Family was named KOA Rising Stars for 2020 during the Kampgrounds of America International Convention on Nov. 12, 2019 in Savannah, GA. Each year, KOA selects one campground that has been part of the KOA system for five years or less for the honor.
This story originally appeared at Read the full story here.