From April through June, head to Strawberry Hill, USA where the Cooley Family invites you to come spend the afternoon at the “Ole Shed,” over 65 years old, relaxing in the rocking chairs and watching the fresh fruits come in off the fields for strawberry season.
They have close to 115 acres of strawberries making them the largest strawberry farm in the state of South Carolina. As you drive by the farm on Scenic Hwy 11, you will see nearly 400 American Flags flying in the strawberry fields in honor of Gene and Ansel Cooley, the founders of Cooley Peach Farms, who served in World War II.
At this market, the customers get handpicked fresh, juicy sun-kissed strawberries straight from the farm in Chesnee. You might even stop by the café across the street for some homemade peach or strawberry ice cream!
If you plan to visit the Upcountry, visit the UpcountrySC website to find many options for places to stay, dine, shop, and explore.
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